Lacruma® is composed by
PVC pieces that join together thanks to its tongue and groove system, forming walls at the height
marked by the project, forming a hollow formwork that is interconnected and reinforced with steel.
Every piece is perforated, the sides that will be the facade show a line through which, at the pouring time, the concrete streams and gets flattened, leaving the structure ready to get any type of finish. The other two sides have circular perforations, through which electrical and plumbing installations can be placed in, as well as structural reinforcements.
Its crimp system make it
as easy as playing with Legos.
Lacruma® has been developed with the aim of reducing construction processes that take longer time.
Lacruma® also constributed to the bearing capacity, because when it gets filled entirely with
concrete it creates a solid monolith, thermoacustic and highly resistant to earthquakes, floods and high gusts of wind.

Lacruma®, we have
revolutionized construction industry.