InTempo • Social Development


InTempo Social Development Construction Systems for concrete buildings, fast installation and long service life. With an apparent low maintenance, pest free PVC or traditional finish.


Community Development Center

The community development centers  create spaces intended to promote cultural, recreative, entertainment and even work training activities, with the purpose of reducing the cultural and economic lag in urban and rural communities.


Social Care Center

Offers support and orientation trough educational and social processes, promote social resources and mediate between families, services, institutions and the community. Attend the protection, educational resources, community, free time and work needs.

Why should you choose Social?


    The system they used for natural green walls is different from what we had previously seen, we are very happy with the results.

    - Maria José Rivera -

    We bought Súperteja roof tile sheets for the yard roof in our house. Excellent quality and the installation instructions were clear enough.

    - Jorge García -

    Custodia is easy to use for those of us who are not in the construction field, and it has an avant-garde finish.

    - Victor González -

    The Sales Team is always ready to answer any questions.

    - Andrea del Refugio -