InTempo • November 2017 | Archive | Blog


Dignifying School Spaces

Publicado: 03 de Nov, 2017

InTempo along with the "schools to a hundred" program ensure that children and school campuses in the public system have dignified spaces, where children and young people feel comfortable and perceive the value of the training they receive.

Casa Vila Matilde Archdaily BUILDING OF THE YEAR 2016

Publicado: 03 de Nov, 2017

This project, which was built in November 2015, is becoming viral, winner of the Archdaily building of the YEAR 2016 award, is shown as an affordable construction option with low cost materials.

What are the main advantages of prefabricated construction?

Publicado: 03 de Nov, 2017

The emergence of profabricated to revolutionized the construction since the mid-Twenties's (Twentieth century), its advantages have led to make constructions for projects of all kinds.